
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Winter 10x10 Takeaways

Now that I am a few days out of wearing the same 10 things for the last 10 days I can say I really enjoyed it.  There are definitely some takeaways from simplifying what you can wear and limiting your options.  If you are someone who has an overstuffed closet or struggles with what to wear- doing an exercise like this would really help!  If you are ready to simplify your closet I have a post here about how I did that a few years ago.  Ok, here are a few things I learned over the last 10 days..

Having less options/choices makes the decision simpler.  Isn't that the case for all things in life?  Something Justin and I have talked about lately is the fact that we (as a culture) are just inundated with choices.  We have limitless options over mugs...the list goes on.  So.many.things.  All the things can quickly cloud our judgement or distract us from the task at hand.  Simple is a lot of times better.  I love this verse - "This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.."Jeremiah 6:16

 Why complicate the choice?  The old path is good and true.  Ya'll I just used my outfits to talk about the Bible. I'm calling that a win today.

I think sometimes we feel like we need all the choices to not feel restricted.  But in reality when we have less we find we have more.  More time to focus on what's important, more chances to be creative with what you have and more value placed in it.  All I can say is God is always at work..even in the everyday things.

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