
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Ideas for Observing Advent

We've been out of town and other things happening so I'm a little behind on my christmas blog posts, but better late than never.  Today I wanted to share how we are observing Advent in our home this year.  Each year since we have had Silas I have tried to come up with a way to teach him about Christmas and make our home more about the Joy of Christ than anything else (even though I still enjoy all sorts of fun parts of the season).  We've done calendars in years past which have been great and this year we decided to add in doing advent candles as well.  Its just a way for us to sit down as a family, remember the meaning of the coming of Christ, talk about what it means for us together and set time apart to focus on God.  

So, this is really a non-traditional way of doing advent candles.   I just used things I already had - I didn't really have the exact colors and its also not in a wreath form but it still works.  I don't know if its so much about making sure colors and shapes are right as its more about setting aside time in your hearts and having time to worship together.  

I put together 4 of these candles just using jars, a little faux snow, candles and an ornament.  I also have a larger candle set aside for the Christ candle that we will light on Christmas Eve.  

This year I just really wanted to not get too caught up in the meaningless things that this season can bring.  I had so much fun decorating our house (I'll share more this week)  but I chose to only use the things that had meaning and that we enjoyed.  I didn't put things out just because I have them (we have way too many christmas boxes in the attic).  Our tree only has ornaments on it that has a memory, Silas decorated with all of his homemade treasures and we had fun - (not stress) doing it.  Things just seem simplified but still really festive and meaningful and we are loving it.  

In addition to the candles I also utilized our newly painted chalkboard door to make a calendar to help us countdown.  This year we chose 25 names of God to represent each day until Christmas.  I love this so much.  Its such a great reminder and has been a constant place of encouragement.

Below I listed the names in case it was hard to read off of the photo so if you wanted to do something similar you could!

I hope that your season of advent is full of joy and purpose as we remember the awesome promise that God made through his Son.   ~God and sinner reconciled~

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