
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Pumpkin Painting Party

Sometimes life feels like it moves at lightening speed.  You start getting really great at keeping up your blog and then all of a sudden weeks have gone by.  Its crazy how full our life can feel at times but I'm so thankful for each little moment, its all definitely a gift.  I have the pleasure each week of leading a small group of high school girls with a sweet friend.  We have just loved getting to know them, studying God's word and encouraging one another in our walk with Christ.  To help us have time to relax together and chat about life a little and get to know each other better we like to do something different and fun each month.  This month we decided on a pumpkin painting party.

Seriously, our students are the best. They are so welcoming and encouraging to one another which in turn is such an encouragement to me.  We are so grateful for these people in our life and I'm glad I get to do things like paint pumpkins with people I love.   

The first part of a pumpkin painting party is of course, picking out your pumpkin.  I love walking thru a pumpkin patch and seeing how each pumpkin is unique and different and then so beautiful all assembled together as one.  One pumpkin is great but a multitude of pumpkins makes a beautiful statement.  What a great reminder of the body of Christ.  We are each uniquely and wonderfully made but we are also made to do life together - to be united as one in the name of Christ.  And how beautiful and powerful it is when we are.

The next part of a pumpkin painting party is posing with your pumpkins and taking lots of photos together.  This is an essential step, do not leave this one out or your pumpkin painting experience will be ruined.

It was such a beautiful fall day so we opted to paint outside.  I grabbed a couple of tarps for the tables and some painting supplies.  I picked up a few paint sample sizes from Lowes which we found we liked the best for actual full painting coverage.  I also had some chalkboard paint - because you can never have enough chalkboard stuff and then some craft paints.  I also had various paint brush sizes, a few cups of water for cleaning your brush and some paper plates for paint usage.

It was really cool to see how everyone chose to paint their pumpkin, we have a talented bunch.  We also had a mini lesson on perfection built right in.  It was a struggle to want your pumpkin to be executed to absolute perfection but in the end we had to learn to embrace the imperfections and enjoy the process.

Pumpkin lessons are the best.

Hope you guys are enjoying the fall, enjoying the process and embracing imperfections while you are doing life together as one.

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore, welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.  Romans 15:5-7

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