
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Kitchen Update

Last week I shared our progress on the living room and today its time to share our {work in progress} kitchen...

I'm here to say it is possible to get the kitchen you love on a budget.  Our kitchen is still not complete, its a work in progress- but it has come a really long way (check out the before and afters at the bottom of the post).  We have made updates throughout the last several years and each one brings us closer to our goal.  

We painted everything (cabinets, walls, trim), replaced the flooring, replaced the hardware, replaced some lighting, and recently replaced our appliances. 

Overall I think the paint made the biggest difference and the tile floor is one of my favorite things we've done so far.  We painted these cabinets 4 years ago and they are still holding up really well.  If you are on the fence - go for it.  I love our white cabinets.

We still have the old countertop (don't worry though we actually have a new one waiting to be installed...can't wait!).  But its crazy how updating the paint and a few other things makes the countertops not seem as bad.  So it is possible to enjoy your kitchen with just a few easy and inexpensive upgrades.

This may be one of my favorite little spots in our house.

Don't look too closely at the door, it is on our replace list.  It has seen better days for sure.

Recently we were able to upgrade all of our appliances.  And, we were able to do so rather inexpensively.  You can probably tell that they are not all the same brand - something that I could care less about but maybe for others is a must.  Our stove came by a friend who was upgrading to gas and the fridge and dishwasher were outdated floor models.  If you are looking to upgrade but want to save some cash - try the floor model approach...we saved tons.  We still need to adjust everything in its place (see stove below) but we are waiting on installing the countertops...which is waiting for the sink that is backordered.  We will get there eventually.

Look at how far this little kitchen has come....

This little kitchen gets a ton of use from monday night meals with our community group to college ministry cookouts.  It has served us so well and its amazing how many people you can actually get in here and feed at one time.
Hope this helps some of you have hope in your little kitchens.  A little time and some work pays off.  Next on the list - replace countertops and sink!  We are pumped.

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