
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

14 Years

Fourteen years ago today we said I do.  Looking back at my extremely young self I don't think I had any idea what God had in store for us back then.  The blessings we have been able to be a part of, the struggles we have walked through together and the joy found in every situation is something I always cherish in my heart.  I have a partner in life who loves Jesus with all of his heart and leads us through each step and that is something I do not take for granted or ever will.

We took the step towards full time ministry 12 years ago full of excitement and no fear.  We have served together every moment of the way and have found when our marriage is strong, our ministry is strong.  We have seen so much of this amazing world together and have been able to serve side by side...while teaching a village about God's love, providing clean water to those who are thirsty, held the hands of children with no parents, rejoiced over the one who was found, joyfully looked on as our students overcame fears and boldly followed God's lead, clung tight as we have been unsure of the next move and shared contentment when knowing we were right in the middle of where God wanted us to be.  We have laughed a lot with an amazing group of students and leaders, watched many students grow into wonderful leaders themselves, cried many tears of sadness of loss and tragedy alongside them.  I can't believe what God has done these last 14 years and I am so humbled to be able to be standing next to you and sharing those moments together.

Our life has now been invaded (for the better) by the most precious and loving 4 year old boy who loves and enjoys life more than any person we have ever met.  We look at him all of the time and can't believe God has given us this task of raising this awesome little boy into a man.  God has given us another ministry partner, someone who is ready for the adventure and I am so thankful he has a father to watch who fears and follows the Lord.  We may have thought 14 years ago we would have lots of little ones running around our home, but now we have seen that God has a different plan for our lives.  We have a son full of so much life and love and hundreds of other students who are running around our home.  What a blessing we didn't even know we would have when we said I do.

When I look back at all that God has done in 14 years it strengthens my faith and gives me the perseverance I need to keep running the race to which we have been given.  Some days we doubt God's call in our life, feel inadequate or ill-equipped.  But, God always gives us the encouragement we need through each other.  One of us is always there to pick the other up.  God is always providing.  I can't wait to see what happens the next 14 years.

I love you seems too simple of a statement sometimes but -I do.  Love comes from Jesus and He has poured it out for us to share with others.  There really is nothing greater than that Love.  We have a sure and solid foundation and together we get to cherish that every day.  God, bless our love.

1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary Megan! Thanks for sharing your heart. My husband and I will be celebrating 10 years in August.
