
Monday, April 20, 2015

Simplified Spring Wardrobe - The Items

Spring is in full force, this wardrobe has been in full force for almost a month now and I'm loving it so much.  Last week I shared about how I was craving simplicity - in a lot of ways- and one of the easiest and most needed ways to begin was to simplify my closet.  So I purged and stored and gave away stuff and now I'm down to much, much less.  This is not necessarily a capsule wardrobe (the idea in which I love and used as a tool when simplifying my wardrobe) but it is a simplified version of what I used to have.  Pretty much everything is mix and matchable and easy to wear.  So, for the curious ones -here are the items I ended up with.  Maybe this will help some of you visualize what your closet could be as well.

Spring is a little difficult to plan for, you can have 80s here one day and 50s the next so I needed to make sure I had plenty of layering options.  I don't have any crazy colors going on, I stuck with what I like - neutrals and shades of blue.  I don't have anything overly trendy, mostly basics with a few seasonal pieces - things that will work year after year.  I know that's not everyone's cup of tea but its mine.  Also, I should add that I actually did not buy one single new item, I had everything in my closet already but I know that is not realistic for everyone.  Creating a mixable simplified wardrobe may take some purchases and planning.  Start with what you have first and make a list of items that would help fill out your closet.  Then, use that list to slowly build the wardrobe you will actual wear and use.  No more wasteful purchases and stuffed closets and feeling like you have nothing to wear!

Its crazy how many outfit options I have going on here with these items.  Its almost unlimited.  Each row above has several combos just within that row (many I haven't even thought of) and then each row can mix-in with the next.  Having a simplified closet not only allows you to have less but somehow creates even more options.  Everything flows and is easy to put together.

Having a good idea of what you like to wear, taking control of that messy, overstuffed closet and working your way to being a good steward are all things I was aiming for in this closet overhaul.  I'm sure I will learn more as I go and this whole simplified way of doing things will evolve.  But, I can honestly say I'm so loving this.  Having less actually forces you to be more creative - in a lot of areas of your life and creativity is that fuel that we all need sometimes and allows us to grow.  
Personally - (and this is going in a totally different direction now but somehow in my mind still connects)... I know in the times when I am left with little in my spiritual life is when God works in awesome ways to prune me into something better.  We get ourselves out of the way and turn to God alone.  We don't need a bunch of stuff, we just need Jesus.  
I hope that some of these thoughts will help you on your way of getting rid of stuff, finding simplicity and letting Jesus fill your life. that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. 
Ephesians 3:17-19

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