
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Looking Back and Looking Forward

I think its healthy to take a good look back at the end of a year.  It brings thankfulness, clarity and overwhelming gratitude of all of those little moments that pushed you forward.  This last year for us was a full one.  I haven't been able to blog much, which at times brought frustration, but much clarity is now seen after looking back at all that was going on in our lives.  We have been everywhere. Retreats, Camps,  Conferences, Homes, Villages in the middle of nowhere in Thailand, Communities full of sweet families in Panama and new ministries in DC.  We have been in the midst of knowing God was working and for that we are overwhelmingly grateful to be present for His work.

In between all of those amazing moments we squeezed in every moment of family time we could.  And, we-had-so-much-fun.  The beach, NYC, Mystic, Boston, Hanging Rock, and even Disney.  

At times I feel like I lived out of a suitcase this year but I'm really ok with that.  It seems to make those moments at home even more precious and valuable.  I think I cherish those little moments even more.  I also have a new sense of what I can live with and what I can live without.  One suitcase has done me well on so many occasions- so new perspective has been brought.

Panama, its just becoming one of those special places for us and we will be there again in just a few months.  Helping share God's love alongside the awesome missionaries there is important to us.  The people of Panama have open hearts to hear God's word, are full of joy in knowing and have a desire to learn and grow.  God is working in Panama.

Thailand, one of the most incredible experiences of my life.  We got to work with a really special and wonderful people group who we all fell in love with.  I can't even describe the experience of telling someone the story of Jesus who has never heard.  We were able to teach and tell and show the Jesus film.  To see them wrench in pain as Jesus is nailed to the cross and rejoice in his rising - it was overwhelming.  I prayed I could always have that same response to hearing the gospel that I saw there within those people - complete astonishment and awe.  It was not an easy trip, we were miles and miles away from our son but I know it was a moment that was used.

We have experienced moments everywhere with so many awesome people.  I'm so thankful for the encouragement and support we have from our family and church family.  

Somewhere between all of that we ripped out carpet, put in tile floors, painted, replaced fixtures, lights and made all sorts of things.  Many of which missed the blog.  Slowly I'm getting it all in.  

Its crazy what you can do in a year.  We're crazy for doing it.  But we would not change a thing.  So we are expectantly looking forward.


  1. I got tired just reading all you and Justin have done in the past year. God is truly blessing your ministry to our students and beyond!

    1. Haha, Thanks Craig! You guys are so supportive and we appreciate you all!

  2. Hi Megan. I peeked at your blog a few days ago to see what happened, and I'm glad you are posting again. I've always enjoyed reading about your perspective on life! You had a crazy, busy year, but you never know what life throws at you. I agree with you 100%, it's the little moments in life that I cherish the most too. Sometimes we have to remember to do that in these crazy, busy times. Enjoy a year new!

    1. Antonella, You are always so encouraging! I appreciate it so much! I hope you have a wonderful new year as well!

  3. A lovely year indeed. Beautiful!
