
Monday, November 10, 2014


I started this blog almost 4 years ago with no expectations or goals in mind.  It was a fun project, a good outlet and a great way, I found to connect with others.  As time would have it, the blog grew and it was kind of exciting.  I however, had no idea what I was walking into.  The world of blogging is big, sort of overwhelming and I started to feel pressure instead of excitement.  I just wasn't prepared.  So I stepped back, reassessed what I wanted out of this and took some time to just think.  Thinking is good for creativity, I'm a big thinker (sometimes to a fault...overanalyze - yes that's me) but I needed time to clear my head, enjoy being creative, work on the house as just us and make some decisions about blogging. Who knew 4 years ago that blogging would mean so much to me?

What a strange world this is that people would like to read about what piece of furniture I painted this week or how I organized the junkiest part of the house.  I still can't quite wrap my mind around it.  But, what I do understand about life is that community is important and one part about reading other blogs that I love is relating to others who share the same interests and ideas as me.  A blog that seems real and personal is the most interesting and what I am truly drawn to.   I like diy, so I relate to others who do.  I love youth ministry so I relate to others who do.  I like shopping and a good outfit, so I relate to others who do.  I'm a mom so I love hearing and reading about other moms experiences and ideas.  Community is essential to all of us.

And I think that is something I have really learned over this past year.  Community is essential to life - especially when it comes to our spiritual lives.  We have not been created to be alone or to even do life alone.  

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.  Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

I think that's my favorite thing about blogging.  Connecting and relating to others.  It may be on a deep spiritual level or a fun and creative way but its all important.  And my hope is this blog can be a good balance of all of those things, because that's who I am.  My house isn't perfect or perfectly decorated, neither am I.  Our house is often messy and so is life.  Life can be a constant mix of ups and downs.  If you asked me what the most important thing about life is - hands down knowing Jesus would be my answer.  The beautiful thing that is through that, knowing Christ, you are able to experience those ups and downs, look at those imperfections and handle the messiness in a whole new way.  You can have satisfaction in life no matter the circumstances because you realize what true purpose is.  Loving God and loving others (community).

A new beginning is in store for this blog and I'm excited for the excitement of it.  I've got a new blog design (that I'm still tweaking), a refreshed sense of creativity and a good perspective on what is and isn't important when it comes to blogging.  So thank you to anyone who might be reading this today.  Thanks for sticking with me or joining me for the first time!  I appreciate your encouragement and community! More to come tomorrow....


  1. So glad you are back! Can't wait to see and read what God is stirring in your heart!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Cyndee!! Hope you are doing great!

  2. Glad you are back. I so enjoy your blog.

  3. Looking forward to your new posts! Sometimes it's good to take a break, or a step back, to come back refreshed and inspired :)

  4. Thank you Andrea! Yes! I needed to take a step back for a while, feeling much more excited and intentional now.

  5. Yay! Glad you're back. Can't wait for more.
