
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Adding a little More Curb Appeal

We have been working, working, working on this little house of ours and because of that this little blog of mine has been neglected a bit.  The cool thing is - I have a bunch of projects to share coming up - so I'm excited about that.  One of which is our finished patio!  I can't wait to share how it turned out.   Pretty much as soon as we finished we had a monsoon roll in so I haven't been able to get any good after pics - looks like it might be a good day for taking some after shots - so stay tuned.

One of our goals for this spring is to get our yard cleaned up, neat and pretty.   We shared some in our painting the house post about how we have begun adding some character to our yard with new plants and mulch and a new walkway.  It was definitely time for some color though.

I have to brag a little and say that I have the sweetest husband ever.  I went and grabbed a yellow rose bush to plant in the front and also some veggies and herbs for our side bed.  A few days later Justin came home with a lot more herbs and four more rose bushes.  How sweet is he?  Look how pretty they are....

I hated the exterior of this house so much when we moved in - from the paint choices to the landscaping.  I love it so much now.  Look how far we've come...

It doesn't even seem like the same house.  

I also have a little side plant bed that was nothing but weeds when we moved in...and pretty much has stayed that way for the last two years.  It has been driving me crazy and I needed to do something about it.

I started by getting rid of the weeds and adding soil.  We actually added some soil in from the patio dig out a few weeks ago.  I also purchased some garden soil to supplement as well.  A little poking and tilling around was needed to break up the ground a bit and prepare it for planting.  This pic below is how its looked for the last few months.

I planted some of the veggies and herbs I had and I'm still working on getting the rest in (between patio building and major downpours).  I opted to make this a veggie and herb garden as opposed to a flower bed.  This area gets lots of sun and I love that its right outside the kitchen door (perfect for grabbing some fresh herbs while cooking).

Some of Silas' little seedlings have even made it in there.

Oh, I planted a blueberry bush too - does anyone have any pointers for growing blueberries??

We spend a lot of time outdoors so all of these little updates are so exciting to me.  The patio post is coming soon!  Also, tomorrow is the spring edition of the pinterest challenge.  Remember when I was a guest host in the winter?  Yeah, that was crazy.  I have a project I'm working on for that and hopefully will be finished before tomorrow so I can share!  Can't wait to see what everyone has done this time!

Anyone else working on prettying up your yard?  Share with me!!

Have a great day!


  1. Wow, your front yard looks fantastic. I love the side yard bed...might had to scavenge some railroad ties to make one of our own!

    Oh, as for blueberry bushes, tell me when you figure out the secret. Ours are still alive, but haven't grown a lick since last year.

  2. We've been working like crazy in our yard too! Yard work is tough, you work your butt off and sometimes it takes months before you even see results! I need to to get work on my little herb garden right by our kitchen door too!

  3. LOVE! I need you to come do some MAJOR TLC around this house ;)

  4. Wow. That was some awesome thing. I love planting.
