
Friday, March 29, 2013

Easy DIY Artwork

I have a simple and easy art project to share with you today.  Sometimes I find myself wanting to add a little color or personal touch to my home but don't have the budget to buy new frames or artwork so I have to improvise.  Sometimes just updating some old frames and mats with paint and finding something around the house to work in that frame is all it takes! 

So here is what I started with.  Not terrible, but not what I was wanting for my room.  

I decided to change the frames up with a gray color spray paint and to make the mats uniform and sleek I sprayed painted them all white.  Just make sure you use even and thin layers when spray painting.  Globs are not your friend.
I knew I had some photos I wanted to use for one of my frames but I was a little stumped as to what to use for the other.  I wanted to add some color and pattern to my space so I turned to a pretty gift bag that Justin gave me this year for my birthday.  I thought it was so cute so why not enjoy the pretty pattern in my frame?  

Super easy, no money and I love the added pop of color.  Plus, I can change it out the next time I am gifted a pretty bag :).  Don't forget to peruse your wrapping paper stash, craft/scrap paper stash or scrap fabric for more fun and easy artwork options!  

Hope you guys have an amazing Easter weekend!  Thanks so much for stopping by today!

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. Romans 10:9-10

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52 Mantels


  1. That is so cute and easy! I love little projects like this!

  2. Very cute! I love when I'm able to use what I have for a project. WIN! Have a wonderful Easter, Megan!

    ~Abby =)

  3. I'm an old frame hoarder. I should do something with them someday! Love the pattern on the gift bag!

  4. Such a great idea! Definitely pinning and trying this out. I save pretty bags and paper all the time!

  5. Cute! I have a hand-painted gift bag and it's too pretty to reuse or throw away. Looks like I'll be framing it soon!

  6. Great projects! I love the one with the cute bag for the artwork! Very creative. Thanks for sharing!
