
Friday, March 15, 2013

Bloglovin' and a Few Blog Thoughts

So now that the smoke it starting to clear about the whole Google Reader being dropped thing - I have gotten with it and made a profile on bloglovin'.  If you previously used Google Reader, bloglovin' makes it super easy to import all of the blogs you follow.  Seriously, it was just a click of a button.

I feel like this week has been a huge learning experience for me when it comes to blogging.  I'm talking about the back-side of blogging, not the pretty pictures and fun project side.  The part where you have freak outs and meltdowns when you are trying to replace html in your code. Or, the part where you learn that you had no clue how the comments section worked on your blog and you feel like an idiot when you realize what you have been doing wrong.  Yeah, that was me this week.

I'm kind of thinking about doing a basic blogging series soon.  I feel like I have finally "gotten" some things this week after feeling in the dark and blindly doing the blog stuff for a while now.  I am at no means an expert but when you learn something I feel like you should share.  So if you are like me and feel like a newbie blogger, are wondering why everyone seems like an expert blogger but you or just need the comfort in knowing that you are not the only one who hasn't got a clue - then come follow me!  We will work through this blogging thing together.

If you ever have a blogging question, please just ask me!  I may not be able to answer it - but I might and I would love to help if I could.  I have learned a lot from other bloggers and I am so thankful for their willingness to share and help me through.  I love the blogging community and I would love for this blog to just be an extension of that.

Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend! 


  1. I have a question. Is it better to reply directly to the comment on the blog post, or email the blogger back. I usually reply back to bloggers by replying to their comment but have noticed I'll get emails from bloggers whom I have commented on. I don't know which is better and how I would do that option.

    Bonnie Rose | ACompass Rose

  2. i just had a freak out over the google reader. i'm not super happy still but i'm dealing.

  3. I am so bummed about google reader. And igoogle! I just love having everything all together. I wish everyone would forget Facebook and move to Google+ too so that I would only have to upload pictures once! So, currently I use the next button with google reader. If I'm viewing a blog in bloglovin, can I pin right from how I'm viewing it? Or do I have to click on the title and open it up?

    Do you know anything about going from blogger to wordpress? Everyone seems to talk about it like it's a nightmare, but worth it.

  4. I'm so new to blogging that my "cord" has fallen off yet! What's happening google is doing what? Was there an email, or something? What should I be doing? Help. I'm so in the dark.

    OAN, I love your blog and check in regularly to see what you are up to.

  5. I see lots of blogs with Google Friend Connect on the sidebar. What is the benefit of this?

  6. I'm totally thinking you need to do this series...I am also muddling through all the back end of the blog stuff! I was blogging for about a year for fun and then decided that maybe it could be a lil something more and talk about learning by mistake! lol! When I first started blogging I just uploaded my images straight from my camera...ummm ya. No scaling down for me!?! Bigger is better, right? Talk about clueless!! I agree with you, I think if we learn something cool (even if it's simple) we should share it with each other to help others. Great idea! Oh, thank you for the comment on Henry's room, too. Here is a cardboard moose! ;) Jesse @ Scout & Nimble

    1. You are so sweet, thank you so much! Its good to know we are all learning together. What a great moose!! Silas would love it - thanks for sharing!

  7. the tip about Blog Lovin'! Thanks! I was so sad about Google Reader going away. I'll have to try this out! And I'm a total newbie to your blog but I'm totally lovin' it!

    1. Angie, I really like bloglovin'! I was sad about google reader too. Thanks for stopping by!!
