
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Last Minute Thanksgiving Ideas

Today is all about using what you have.  Its the day before Thanksgiving and you might be thinking you want to spruce up your table a bit or add something fun but just don't have the time to really even think about it.  Its ok, I've thought about it for you.  I have a little last minute table idea I put together to share as well as some other great last minute ideas I found thats all about using what you have.

Up first is my little Thanksgiving Table...

Everything I used I found around the house.  Grab your favorite vases, some mason jars, glass bowls - whatever you have and fill it with something pretty.

I had grabbed a bag of cranberries from the grocery store a few days ago, they were on clearance so I thought why not?  We have pecans galore in our yard so I gathered up a bunch and used them.  Acorns are another great choice, pinecones, twigs, leaves even those annoying sweet gum seeds can be used (check out the pic below).  I had some lighted branches that I used but you could totally just use sticks from your yard - it would be equally as pretty.

I didn't have a table cloth that I felt like fit the Thanksgiving feel so I just used a piece of scrap burlap as a little table runner.  I grabbed some twine and yarn to wrap the silverware - simple but I liked that I could use a little bit of the deep red to tie it all together.

Candles of course are always an easy solution.  A good rule when creating a grouping of items is to always use an odd number of things - its just more pleasing to the eye.

Next up is a bunch of little ideas from other sites that I had to share - they are all last minute, super easy and use what you have...

Seriously, someone has made a sweet gum berry look chic.  I can't even get over this but I love it so much.

Use your pretty fall leaves to write on for place setters.

Pinecones, upside down glasses and pumpkins - easy and so pretty.

Another great use of something you have on hand.

I love this idea for a kids table but I think it would be totally cute for an adult table too.  PS - you can get brown paper like this at the dollar store - they sell it as mailing wrap in large rolls.  

So many cute ideas here right?  I just love using what you already have.

Just want to tell all of you how much I'm thankful for you, your encouragement, support and kind words you always give.  I love all of my bloggy friends!

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


  1. What great ideas! I won't be hosting Thanksgiving this year.. I'll leave that stress to someone else. Maybe next year when we are all moved in to our new place:) Have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Some great ideas here! I adore your table's centre piece.

    Have a good one tomorrow - my Thanksgiving was last month!

  3. I love your table decorations with the cranberries and pecans! I will file the idea away in my head for next year :)
