
Friday, February 24, 2012

Random Thoughts Friday

We're back for some more random thoughts today.  Fridays are the best.

1.  This week we have been working and working on our laundry space.  We have primed, painted trim, painted walls, painted floors, and as I type Justin is working on some shelving.  There is a lot going on back there.  Here's a quick sneak is one cheerful space now.

2. Silas' eating habits have gotten interesting.  He has become very fond of dipping all of his food - ketchup is his sauce of choice.  He has dipped and eaten just about everything in ketchup including carrots, bread and animal crackers.  Why is our child eating ketchup with animal crackers you ask?  I will defer that question to my husband who was the one who provided that awesome meal.

3.  This week in our Crazy Love bible study we talked about living God centered lives, what exactly that looks like and why it's so important.  We were reminded that we are not promised tomorrow or even our next breath - that life is a precious gift.  Lots of times our lives get mundane, things distract us (even good things) and our lives become self centered.  We have to be intentional about the way we live - the way Christ lived.  

Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:13-14

4. The Amazing Race began this week - Best.Show.Ever. We are currently liking the team from Kentucky. It usually takes us a couple of episodes before our true favorites are known so we will see.

5.  Tomorrow is Justin's birthday.  I am so incredibly thankful to be married to him.  He has such a servants heart, is an amazing father, loves me unconditionally, is my best friend and we have a blast spending our life together.  I know I am blessed beyond measure for him being a part of my life.  Happy Birthday Justin!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


  1. Can't wait to see your laundry room! And animal crackers and ketchup are an interesting mix lol

  2. Cam likes everything with ketchup too! Hope you guys have a great weekend celebrating!

  3. good luck with your remodel..have fun too!!
    And happy birthday to your husband...good for you!! sounds like you got a good man!!

  4. Hi there, just stopping by from the Blog Hop. I'm your new follower and I'm wishing you much success with your blog...come see me sometime too! :)Crystal
