
Friday, February 17, 2012

Random Friday Thoughts

Today I just have a brain dump to share.  Enjoy.

~ Silas has taken a liking to helping out mom and dad with chores around the house.  This week, he has held the dust pan perfectly for me while I swept and then emptied it in the trash all by himself.  He Handed me dishes as I unloaded the dishwasher and helped move clothes from the wash to the dryer.  He has also smashed up strawberries into the carpet, threw a fit because he couldn't eat bbq pringles for breakfast and removed his diaper in his crib over night, soaked his bed and then immediately peed all over the floor when Justin got him out.  I guess he is just keeping it real and keeping us on our toes.

~ Our house dynamics have recently changed as our 15 year old niece has come to stay with us for a while. I forgot what it was like to live with a teenage girl (or maybe I forgot how I was when I was a teenage girl).  My clothes, make up and hair products are no longer my own.  I'm cool with that, and I'm actually surprised a 15 year old would want to wear something of mine.  I enjoy our after school talks and it brings my heart joy when she gets excited about going to church.  So far we have learned if we want to be semi own time to anything we must start the countdown to being ready hours in advance, that's just how long it takes now.

~ I will never make chicken marinated in mustard ever again- gross.

~ This year Justin and I went out on a Valentine's late lunch date to a restaurant we have been wanting to go to for a long time - it was one of my most favorite Valentine's ever.

~ We are currently working through the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan with our Juniors and Seniors. So far we are two chapters in and it's amazing.  I highly recommend checking it out!  Here are some things that have struck me so far -  

Pausing and taking time to realize who you are talking to when you are praying, acknowledging how magnificent God is and developing a habit of that.

Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. Do not be quick with your mouth,do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.  Ecclesiastes 5:1-2

I think taking time to read this verse before you go to God in prayer is a perfect way to acknowledge and recognize who He is.

~ There is a great blog series currently going on that I have really enjoyed this week from some really sweet bloggers - take some time to check it out if you are a blogger looking to grow your blog, there is a link up this Sunday!

Well, that it's for my random thoughts.  Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Megan!

    You rock!!
    Thanks so much for participating in the blog series and blog hop!
    Wishing you well on your bloggy adventures. Already a Follower :)


  2. Hi Megan, new follwer from grow your blog hop!

    Great blog you have, wishing you all the best and much bloggy love ;)

    Katie from

  3. Hi Megan!
    I found your blog through the 36th Ave. Blog Hop and have enjoyed looking around! I was wondering if you'd like to do an ad swap for the month of March or April. My e-mail is lisa(at)sewgloried(dot)com. Hope to hear from you!

  4. Hi!
    I found your blog through the 36th Ave. Blog Hop!

  5. Thanks for joining the blog hop today! Following you back :)
    Oh, and add some ketchup,brown sugar and garlic powder to the mustard, it tastes much better! :)

    1. haha, thanks for the tip!!! I will have to try that - plain mustard is disgusting.

  6. Hi I am a new follower hopping from The 36th ave. I hope you follow me too.

  7. following you from GFC
    now follow back me with GFC too

    I am hosting a biggest Giveaway ever:
    International Giveaway: Win Rimmel London "3 Goodie Bags Worth 400 AED(100US$)"

  8. Haha, yea that chicken doesn't sound too good! But boy, we have all made those meals that sounded good, but turned out awful!

    Thanks so much for joining us in the Blog Hop! It's great to "meet you!"

  9. Found you through the Grow Your Blog hop! Showing you some bloggy love by following you via GFC.


  10. a 15 yr old can certainly change the dynamics of any house!! God bless you all!

  11. Found you through the Grow Your Blog Hop and I'm now a follower, would appreciate you dropping by and doing the same.
