
Monday, February 27, 2012

Laundry Room Paint Progress

The painting is completed and I will just say - there is a whole lot of cheer going on.  If this room was dark and dingy before - it's anything but now. Two coats of primer, two coats of white trim paint, two coats of wall paint, two coats of floor paint and two coats of flooring sealer = one bright and fresh space and one tired painter.


(Just ignore all of the painting supply clutter - and my crooked pictures.)

I'll be honest, when I first started painting the yellow I freaked out a little.  It was so different and so much brighter than before that it scared me a little.  I actually had to stop painting for a while - What really went down was that I went back twice, painted a little, walked away, came back, freaked out and then I decided to wait for Justin to get home for a second opinion.  He actually loved it, which gave me more confidence in the color choice and once the room was painted fully I loved it too.  It's funny how much my opinion changed after it was totally completed - such a difference.

So here is a floor walkthrough - we started with old linoleum and decided to paint it (mainly because of the asbestos issue - it would be really costly to remove it) and we really like the result.  It is a temporary fix for us.  Eventually we will do something more permanent but we are still weighing our options.

We used the same steps as we did when we painted the floor in the bathroom and in the closet: we primed the floor first (two coats) - I just used the same primer that I used for the paneling.  Then painted two coats of paint - just regular old paint, nothing special.  I actually found this paint on the oops shelf at our local hardware store for a whopping $5.

Then we finished it off with a floor sealer - same sealer we used for the bathroom project.

This sealer really is awesome.  It's eco-friendly has a very low odor and dries pretty fast.  It leaves a nice glossy and durable finish that is pretty resistant to scuffs and scratches.  If you are thinking about painting a floor like this, you have to get a good sealer - it's the only way to do it.

We are loving our happy new space.  To me, this is the perfect room for a bright yellow like this - I don't know if I would like our bedroom or living room painted this color but I love it in here.  I think it puts a little cheer into doing all that laundry.  More things to come in here this week!
So just wondering...what color is your laundry space???

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!


  1. This looks great! Amazing what a little paint can do!

  2. Wow, what a great transformation! I LOVE the cheerful yellow--perfect for a laundry room. (Someone once told me that when choosing a yellow paint, to pick one and then actually buy the next lighter shade. Not sure if that is good advice or not!) Thanks for the info about the floor sealer!! I think we will need to do this for our basement floor. Thanks so much, also, for visiting my blog yesterday via the Sunday Social! I am your newest follower.

  3. Love it! And the floor looks so good! I haven't painted my laundry room yet, but I want to do a cheery pale blue and have some pink accents or maybe pink with blue accents. I want it to be super girly and happy.

  4. That looks incredible! I never knew you could paint floors like that, and I am definitely keeping that little tidbit filed away for my future home! I hope you'll stop by Cupcakes and Candy Canes for more info about my first ever guest post!


  5. Looks soo much happier now! I bet it makes doing laundry much less of a chore.

  6. Wow, what a big difference the paint made! Yellow's such a cheerful color, and I like it with the dark floor. Your laundry room looks great!

  7. The floor looks great and love that yellow color!

  8. I like the yellow (I just painted my kitchen yellow and also freaked out a minute). What brand and color is that??

    1. I'd love to know the color of yellow, as well! I need to find one for my laundry room and I'm struggling. :)

    2. I'm sorry I didn't include this in the post! I need to try and find the can of paint I used to see if I still have the paint name!
