
Monday, January 23, 2012

Our Painted Closet

Throughout last week I was able to get our closet completely painted from top to bottom (I don't know how that even happened).  When you start a project like this there is something about it that causes a chain reaction for other projects along the way.  If one closet gets cleaned out then all of the others need to be as well.  So last week we felt like our house was turned upside down, as we started cleaning, clearing and organizing but we are starting to slowly get things and back in order.  Let me share with you are closet progress to far...

Here is where we started:

Everything was cleared out to be purged, organized and simplified.

Priming was the first step - I ended up applying two coats of primer (this is just the first coat).  I followed the same steps for painting paneling as we did in our bedroom

Then two coats of white for the trim and shelves - I just used off the shelf Olympic white (like the rest of our house).  Then I applied two coats of Olympic silver lake - I found this paint in the Oops section at the Home Improvement store, it was $2.50!  I wanted a gray and just happened to really like this color - so always check there first, you never know what kind of deal you will find.

Next, our floor - I painted it the same way we did our bathroom floor, but essentially all I did was apply two coats of primer, two coats of paint - this was not any special kind of paint - once again I found this paint on the oops shelf (this one was a whopping $5), this paint started as Olympic Steeple Gray but the lovely people there tinted it darker for me since I was wanting a more slate color.  After the paint fully dried I applied three thin coats of Safecoat glossy floor sealer.  The key to this is to use a brush and to apply thin, even coats to assure you don't get any bubbles or streaks in your finish.  You could definitely add more coats of sealer for an even stronger finish.  I just used the minimum number of coats recommended since this is in a closet.

I have to say I have been pretty pleased with the way our bathroom floor has held up over the last several months.  The Safecoat sealer is the key to painting a floor like this.  I just love how the original floor pattern comes through the paint, it adds so much character.

So here is where we stand, all painted and pretty, ready to be filled.

Thanks for stopping by today!  We have a fun giveaway coming at you this Wednesday so make sure you check back to enter.  Have a wonderful week!

I'm a little late to the game but I have joined up with some other great bloggers with the Imagine the  Impossibilities Challenge this month with our little Closet Revamp/Purging/Organization Project.  Take some time to check out Thistlewood Farm (one of the awesome hosts) - check out some great projects and link up with yours too!!!

Thistlewood Farm


  1. Wow! What a transformation and all with a toddler to keep you sidetracked! Funny how making over a space you use everyday can be so transformative. Can't wait to see what you all tackle next!


  2. It looks good! So much less like a cave! I love the way the floor pattern comes through the paint!

  3. Wow, what a difference! Love the floor. Yay for joining the impossibility challenge! I have yet to start on mine... yikes!

  4. Nice and bright now! Clothes will look even better!
    Marie @
    Lemondrop ViNtAge

  5. What a difference paint makes...looks great! I'm a new follower...found you via faithful bloggers directory. You have done a great job on your house remodel so far, as well as sharing the Lord. Would love it if you would check out my blog if you got a chance: Blessings,

