
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

DIY Christmas Scrap Bunting

I have Another Christmas craft to share with you today - A little bunting of joy.  I made this bunting with scraps and hot glue, no sewing, no money and I love it's shabby chicness.  I think we are going to have a house full of scrap decorations this year and I'm kind of liking it.  I have spent hardly any money and I don't have to worry about our dear sweet little boy breaking or ruining anything - since he just loves to touch and discover every new thing that goes in our house.

So in case you are wondering what I used, here you go:

The main part of the bunting was made from some left over felt I had from another project - I actually bought this pack at the Dollar store so I guess if you needed anything you would spend a $1, not too bad!  Let me tell you, the Dollar store will surprise you when it comes to craft supplies.  

Next I hot glued the blue and white pin striped ribbon on the felt - this ribbon is from a bath & body works gift from long ago.  I have had it forever and I was so ready to use it on something.  

I then used paper from an old magazine (I even found the red and white stripe paper in there), some leftover paper from my advent calendar project, some leftover stickers (letters and snowflakes) and then finished the top with some green ribbon I had on hand.

For some reason the color is weird in these two pictures so I apologize.

To hang my little bunting I just hot glued some yarn to the back and voila - a sweet little Christmas bunting.  It took me maybe 20 minutes to put this together.  Easy, no money and quick.  

If you asked my husband what his favorite word in the whole world would be he would say joy.  And, I would have to agree with him.  Joy is something we can only have because of the gift and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Because we have Jesus we can have joy, even in the hard times when things do not make sense.  Happiness is circumstantial but joy is a gift given to us by our heavenly father.  What a precious thing.  I hope you are all celebrating the joy you have this Christmas!

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  Luke 2:10

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