
Thursday, August 25, 2011

How-To Paint Laminate Furniture: Part Two

I know, I left you hanging yesterday and didn't leave you with a final product - shame on me.  But, there was just too much to share for one day.  Here's what I left you with:

I shared with you the steps I took to paint our laminate bookcase but still needed to finish off the bookcase backing - which is an awesome two-piece cardboard back - stylish and chic, I know.

When I first started this project I wasn't sure what exactly I was going to do about the back.  I had several thoughts, but I really didn't want to spend any money on it.  It just so happens that I was also organizing and cleaning out our closets at the same time, which lead me to discover my new bookcase backing - an old curtain.  Why not?  It was free, a nice color and I had no other use for it.  

So I simply placed the old cardboard back on top of the curtain, cut away any excess and used my handy dandy staple gun to cover the board with the curtain fabric (sorry, I have no pics of this).

Pretty simple, then I just used the same staple gun to attach the newly curtain/fabric covered cardboard to the back of my bookcase.  When you are working with materials like laminate and cardboard a good ole staple gun is all you need.

So in case you forgot, here's the before shot:

And now the after..all painted, dressed up and pretty.  It's so much softer and pleasing to the eyes now and I'm really loving it.  It may still be cheap laminate but you might have to do a double check before realizing it.

I know this bookcase won't last forever and that's why I made every effort to not spend any money on revamping it but I can live with it so much better now in the meantime.  Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to put in it.

So, yes you can paint laminate - it's totally doable and you can remake an ugly piece of furniture into something much more livable and pretty at hardly any cost.  

And even better, God has told us many times in scripture that Nothing will be impossible for Him (Luke 1:37).  God has done and will continue to do magnificent and wonderful things that only He can do.  He created life, our universe, the stars and our hearts.  He performs miracles, brings our lost souls back to his grace and raises Jesus from the dead.  Our God is Awesome.  So now I have a cheap laminate bookcase that will remind me of the Holy, All Powerful and Beautiful God I serve.  Truly, God is in everything.


  1. Seeing God in everything can be quite a challenge. I didn't know remodeled furniture would make it easy! I have some computer desks that can use a fresh coat of paint too.

  2. As they say "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" so I think there is truth when you see God in something as simple as clean and neat furniture.

  3. This is just amazing work. This has inspired me to make one for my own.

  4. Love your Post and I agree that Through Christ we can do ALL things. He is the CREATOR and he gives us the ability to be creative right? I am your newest follower! Come over for a visit to my blog at Color It Simple dot blogspot dot com.

  5. Can't wait for spring! We have an old laminate bookcase(Media/bookcase/movie storage)in the living room that I would love to replace but the hubby wants to wait a bit. :) I am so glad to see a clearly laid out way to paint it.
