
Thursday, July 7, 2011


We had an amazing week last week at one of our most favorite places on the earth, a little place called Caswell.  Caswell is a beautiful retreat off the coast of North Carolina which at one time served as a civil war fort and now serves as our youth camp each summer.  Justin and I have been going to Caswell since we were students and it holds so many special moments and memories for us, we love taking our students there now.  This year was quite different for me since I was now going as a mom with an 8 month old in tow.  Even though I didn't get to experience every single moment with the group I still had an amazing time and I cherish the moments I did get to spend with them.  I am so thankful for the ladies who graciously watched Silas for me at different times, so I could do more.  Initially, I was a little nervous about how things would go and how Silas would do but God truly answered by prayers.  While there I met another mom who was there for the first time with her 13 month old and feeling the same way I was, we got to talk often and share about mom stuff and even had playtime with our little ones - who knew all those needs would be met at youth summer camp?  Well, God knows.  God was definitely at work and we are so excited about the decisions made by everyone while we were there.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  Galatians 2:20

Our whole group on one of the forts.

One of the barracks where our group stays while there.

Before Hatch (Worship) one night

We got to take Silas to the beach for the first time while there, he absolutely loved it and we all enjoyed watching him discover this new little world!

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