Just a little glimpse at what we
are working with in our new
home |
So our house is bought, we have the keys - now reality sets in. We have a lot of work to do. Where do we begin? Yesterday after closing we had a moment to go over to the house and check everything out again - it's hard to remember everything we saw a month ago! Wow, we have accumulated a list of to-do's a mile long and that's even before we have moved in. As we walked through the house together there was a bit of excitement mixed in with a bit of uh-oh. Did we bite off more than we can chew? Will our furniture fit in these rooms? I don't remember the yard looking like that, or the bathroom so old. We were so in love with the house before, why do we feel so panicked now? Thankfully, those were just some fleeting thoughts and we remembered how much we love it and how home-like it feels for us and also how much we enjoy working on houses to make them sparkle. Doubt can creep up on us from time to time. We can have doubts about a lot of things, even our faith. I think that doubt has gotten a bad wrap. We hear someone say that they have questions about God and their faith and we freak out and immediately starting judging them. Asking questions about God can actually be a very good thing. You need to know why you believe what you believe. Searching for answers, when seeking for the truth and seeking after God will only lead you to a more personal and intimate understanding and relationship with Him. Most of the time our doubt is fleeting, set on by some bad circumstance that we are in. After going through the tough circumstance we are able to see God's plan more clearly on the other side and our faith is affirmed even more. The thing we must remember is that our God is big enough for our doubt, he can handle it. If you have questions about Him, search after His truth and He will lead you to an understanding. Read His word, pray, talk to other Christians - The Holy Spirit is working in all of these, guiding you to a more personal relationship and stronger faith in Christ. When we have doubts and questions what better place to go to than the source? Don't let doubt overtake you, God can work it out, you just have to let Him.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13
Great post! That paneling and trim is begging to be painted white so it can look like beadboard.... just sayin'. ;) LIME DOOR! LIME DOOR! LIME DOOR!